Friday, August 19, 2005

Santa Lucia

前兩三個禮拜吧!在這裡的中文電視的綜藝大哥大看到紀曉君.看的出她接受訪問時很緊張,但只要一拿起麥克風唱歌,就又澎湃激昂起來.除了唱原住民的歌曲外,還唱了一條義大利文的Santa Lucia.這是我第一次聽到義大利文的Santa Lucia,聽起來歌詞似乎很簡單.就上網找了一下歌詞和英文翻譯.對照之下,中文翻譯實在是太五星級的棒了!

Santa Rucia 義大利文想聽音樂請點這裡

Sul ma re lu-cia, La-stro dar-gen-to
Pla-ci-dae I’on-da, Pro-spe-roeil ven-to
Sul ma re lu-cia, La-stro dar-gen-to
Pla-ci-dae I’on-da, Pro-spe-roeil ven-to

Ve-ni teal-la-gi-le, Bar-chet-ta mi-a
San-ta Lu-ci-a, San-ta Lu-ci-a

Con questo zeffino cosi soave
O com e bello star sulla nave
Con questo zeffino cosi soave
O com e bello star sulla nave

Su passeggeri Venite via
San-ta Lu-ci-a, San-ta Lu-ci-a

The silver star shines on the sea,
The waves are calm, the wind is favorable
Come to my quick little boat!
Santa Lucia! Santa Lucia!

With this west wind so gentle,
Oh, how wonderful it is to be at sea!
Come passengers, come away!
Santa Lucia, Santa Lucia!

Oh sweet Naples, oh blessed sun,
where creation wished to smile!
You are the command of harmony!
Santa Lucia! Santa Lucia!

Now why do you delay? The evening is beautiful
A cool and light wind is blowing
Come to my quick little boat!
Santa Lucia! Santa Lucia!


黃昏遠海天邊 薄霧茫茫如煙
微星疏疏幾點 忽隱又忽現
海浪蕩漾迴旋 入夜靜靜欲眠
何處歌喉悠遠 聲聲逐風轉
夜已昏欲何待 快回到船上來
散塔露琪亞 散塔露琪亞


照片雖然配的是Venice,但Santa Lucia在Naples.照這張照片時,船夫唱的是Granada.

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上次參加葬禮是過年後。住在泰順街的四姑丈去世了。以前他們住在杭州南路公賣局的宿舍很久,我們都叫他「杭州南路的姑丈」。姑丈在我小時候很照顧我。還在加拿大時,妹妹打了通電話來說:「不好的消息。你知道嗎?新莊的三姑丈去世後,四姑丈也走了,中間只差兩個月。」回台灣後便收到給父親的訃聞。 ...