Sunday, November 27, 2005

Love, Joanne and John 2001


We've missed you for so long. - I just read a little note from you from April 5, 1990, and it was so nice!

Last year we moved, and are now in a little log house on a mountain in Montana. It wasn't finished, and still isn't, but we're living in it. So all of our things were in boxes in an old barn and we were in a very old trailer.

This picture looks like our front "yard." John's breathing is better here.

We hope you are very happy and well. We think of you.

Love, Joanne and John

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「 啊這,你,怎麼能煮成這樣?」 在吃著大姐煮出的年夜飯時,我很想這樣說。 這裡說的年夜飯,真的是年夜飯裡面的「飯」。這一個年只有我跟大姐一起過年,家裡遭逢變故,大妹入院,我和大姐兩個人每天跑醫院,到處申請資料。等到回過神來,我竟然連銀行在農曆年前最後一個營業日都錯過了。口袋裡只...