Friday, April 22, 2005

Kong Fu Hustle

今天是周星馳的功夫(Kong Fu Hustle)在加拿大上演的第一天,我們三人興沖沖的去看了.本來以為會擠破頭,結果五點的那場,觀眾只有九個人.在我們還沒進場前,裡面的六個人全都不是華人.


片子是廣東話和國語發音,英文字幕.當楊過和小龍女自我介紹,翻譯成"Paris"和"Helen of the Troy" 看的出想針對英文人士引出笑點.但是Helen變成滿頭髮捲,穿睡衣走來走去的元秋,感覺就是不太對味!在這片子,周星馳又抖包袱,渲染他電影裡獨特的廣東話幽默.周星馳要火雲邪神耍兩下來證明自己的功力時,跟他說:喂?你耍兩招來看看不然他們以為我找假貨來了!(這是我的國語).他用來表示「找假貨」的廣東話,很少人用那個字眼,通常用於賭博上面.懂廣東話的人就覺得那個字眼用的很有趣,可惜英文和國語完全表達不出那個趣味.

全場都笑的一個笑點是周星馳身上被捅了三把刀.最後的結尾,周星馳說:「你想學?我教你.」有那麼一點點禪意. 火雲邪神跪地說:「我輸了」,英文翻譯成"Master". 嗯,有點微妙!中文說我輸了,英文字幕配上甘拜下風的一句"Master",是民族性差異嗎?




Anonymous said...


beeru said...


Anonymous said...

beeru, my Chinese keyboard died on me again :(

I was planning to see the movie, but my hubby did not wanna go because he thought the film had all the makings of a stupid movie.

Stephen Chow is a great comedian, if only he sticks to his craft and follows his instinct instead of trying to plesae the Hollywood crowd. Somehow, I've got the feeling that he is becoming another Jackie Chan. And that is just sad.

beeru said...

I don't think Chow is pleasing the Hollywood crowd. Not yet. But he is absolutely an ambitious guy and has his own style. Compared with his previous works, Kong Fu Hustle is a bit serious, though those who are used to his comic and hilarious acting in the HK movies might find themself lost.

But, hey, he is a 40+ guy. How can we expect that he continues to be funny and hilarious and 無厘頭 all the time? And sometimes you have to time the market(oh no! I am using a trading term~). Chance only comes once! He compromised a little bit but this film is still an enjoyable one.

Jackie Chan's films are simple (but entertaining), illogical, and forgettable. But when we recall 90's, we might be able to say that some of Chow's movies are remarkable, in terms of the underlying influence to the society. And that is the difference. (and did I tell you that I am a big fan of Chow? Ha Ha! I think I can memorized at least 80% of the lines in Shaolin Soccer)

Hope you enjoy it! ^^

