上個月月底在網上找資料時,無意中逛到加拿大中文電視台Fairchild TV的網站.就決定寫一封意見信給新聞部的諸公們表達一下觀眾的不滿
I used to watch Cantonese news daily but now I don't. The short chat between the two anchors is boring most of the time, and very offensive and politically incorrect sometimes . They chat simply becuase they are asked/arranged to chat. It is not natural at all. And many a time I feel offended when the anchorman(specifically, XXX) talked about his view of women. He once mentioned that the reason why the hurricane is given a female name, he said "women are always changing". And moreover, once he mentioned Demi Moore's marriage with a younger male, he referred the marriage as a "忘年之戀 ". Excuse me, did he happen to forget the famous Donald Trump?
Being a Taiwanese Canadian, I am not happy about your selection of Taiwanese news either. I can understand that Taiwanese news is not the main focus in the Cantonese news time. However, I want to point out that the news you choose to cover is mostly negative, not to mention, trivial. You can have your own position, your own perspective of viewing Taiwan for sure. But if this is you, I am very disappointed as a viewer knowing that I am not subscribing a fair TV channel.
And that's why I am to discountinue my subscription to Fairchild TV next month.
在Fairchild TV新聞時間裡,台灣出現時百分之九十是負面新聞,就算同一天有其他更重要的台灣政經國際新聞,他們選出來報的一定是突顯台灣「鄉愿」的一面,而且還雞毛蒜皮到極點.有一天報導某某小朋友被綁架,其實當天在台灣發生的新聞裡,有比這條新聞更有重要性的,但是我想如果問新聞部這個小孩被綁架的消息,是否重要到需要讓加拿大的華人了解?他們可能也沒仔細想過這個問題.那種播報穿插的方式,感覺就好像是廣東省的電視台做新聞一樣:台灣不可能重要,所以選條狗仔新聞就好了!他們對立法院的肢體衝突也非常「熱愛」,幾乎是一有新聞就放上去報.陳水扁總統出現時,一定是他出醜的時候.我不是說不能報對陳水扁不利的新聞,但是每次都在報他的負面新聞,也未免太刻意了吧!我腦海中記得上次喜氣洋洋報導台灣新聞時,是「終於回來了」的連爺爺弄到兩隻熊貓,台北市動物園說OK可接受這條.
Fairchild TV的廣東話新聞....唉,怎麼說?看他們的新聞,跟看當天的報紙完全是兩樣的感覺.所以我比較常看的是英文台的新聞.他的唯一一個好處就是有很多的當地華人社區的活動新聞,以華人的角度來評析加拿大新聞.糟糕就是,現在簡直狗腿的不得了,每天的新聞都在報北京如何如何,內地全心全力準備奧運,中國的選手如何在某某國際比賽拿到獎項.老實說,身為一個觀眾,我.一.點.也.不.關.心!
我以為他們新聞部會回個禮貌的回信給我說:「謝謝您的來信,我們會參考意見」這樣,結果...What can I say except they are chicken?
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上個禮拜看新聞赫然看到這一條: 陳水扁:還未走到「北風尾」 有人在唱衰 這個標題讓我深深覺得,香港慣用的廣東話跟台灣的現行國語有多麼密切的關係啊! 「北風尾」對於廣大不打麻將的台灣人(例如我)來說,還真需要特別註解一下才了解這是什麼意思.「唱衰」這個詞來自廣東話,用國語唸起來雖然...
今天早上(12/24),我的愛犬康康安息了! 我始終記得開始使用YAM女人私日記的第一天,是2004年8月19號的下午.那時我的電腦還放在廚房附近,我一邊打字,康康一邊在一個藍色的坐墊上午睡. 那本日記的每一篇文章,幾乎都是這樣完成的,實際上這本blog也是.有時她會堅持要坐上我...
Dear beeru,
I left u a couple of messages on ur messageboard yesterday but they did not show :(
Hope u got them.
I get my Taiwanese news online, CTV offers web broadcast of their daily news. It is quite enjoyable.
It was the right thing to do to write them a letter. Viewers' feedbacks are important. Too bad that they could not do better.
Happy Holidays...
You know, whatever little news of Taiwan we get are always so depressing, for me at least.
That's probably why I don't ever watch Chinese (mandarin, catonese) programs.
Just because the political view points are different, doesn't mean they could bash Taiwan all the time.
They are new reporters, they should be in a neutral position, and not kow-tow to politics.
Well, this is my 3-cent worth opinion.
Margaret & Steph
我家有訂BellVu 可看到溫哥華的城市電視(國語台),但是那台的節目實在是很難看,所以每天轉到城市電視的時間就只有台灣衛星新聞那30分鐘,還有周六的綜藝大哥大.那時是因為我爸來加拿大小住,特地訂的,就一直沒退掉.
對不起 剛才那是我做測試
上回打了一堆 全消失了
下次你留言的時候, 可以選擇其他, 在名稱那裡寫上名字, 如果喜歡可以填上你的網頁~很多人不太會用blogger.com的留言欄, 選了匿名然後忘了留名字~
hey, beeru,
I left u a message on ur wretch blog guestbook, go check it when you've time, 'K?
Pity, I don't like 人蔘茶, otherwise I would get myself a cup, too.
I believe the news reporters are either from HK or China, and they have very narrow (only a seam) views, in order to keep their stupid so called jobs.
Actually, I have friends from China, HK and, of course, Taiwan. I found that everyday john/jane don't really care what the government have to say, because we have been hearing "garbage" for years!!
BB~ 我已經 check check up up check it up 了~^++++^ (Is this rap or hip hop? Ha!)
margaret~ 菊花茶也是不錯的退火良方.這些鳥事,真是會越說越氣.
Then I guess I am wise not to subscribe to Fairchild TV. I only watch OMNI.2 Cantonese news daily and nothing had really offended me thus far. Though I have no idea how bad Fairchild TV is, it does sound like OMNI's anchors are more experienced and handle the cue better. (I heard stories about the Fairchild's anchors slipped in some improper Cantonese slangs on air.)
The quality of Chinese news broadcasters had dwindled down throughout the years especially in radio programs. Recently I am very pissed by the fact that Fairchild Radio had untrained female "volunteers" to do the news. Their vocal performace are nothing compare to a DJ. (細路,返去學多幾年點講中文再出黎獻世。)
I never found the Fairchild anchors doing their job in maintaining a subjective position. Yes, I am pin pointing at the ex-chief-news-editors. I don't want to hear about the narrow HKG immigrant's view point or all those bs kiss ass to the Chinese gov't. Not that I don't care about the news, but there has to have quality news first! Sigh... what a joke!!!
It's my turn to have a cup of 菊花茶! Enough sweating about that stupid Chinese radio station!
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