最近為了悼念本月六號因為血癌病逝的本田美奈子,找出他2003年出的專輯Ave Maria來聽.他唱的真的很不錯,雖然「O Mio Babbino Caro」降了key來唱(那條真的是太高了,一定要抒情女高音才唱的上去,普通人唱又不降key都是鬼叫),省了後面百轉千回的ending,唱腔雖然不是百分百的美聲唱法,但是咬字有一種美奈子流甜美的感覺,而且正因為不是百分百的美聲唱法,反而拉近了聽眾欣賞的距離!
所有歌都配上日文歌詞(對我沒差).其中這條Sicilienne真的很棒!簡單但是一唱就知道功力.還有Bella Notte from Lady and the Tramp,聲音充滿了甜美幸福,沉醉在愛情裡的感覺,真的超級讚的!
1. 流聲
2. Ave Maria
3. O mio babbino caro from Gianni Schicchi
4. Time To Say Goodbye
5. Beau Soir
6. Vocalise
7. Greensleeves
8. Jupiter from The Planet
9. Lascia chi o pianga from Rinaldo
10. Sicilienne
11. Tema d’Amore from Nuovo Cinema Paradiso
12. Meditation de Thais
13. Amazing Grace
14. Bella Notte from Lady And The Tramp
1 comment:
Hard to believe that she is no longer around in this world.
38 years old, still young, really.
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